Why Sustain Physical Therapy and Performance?

Sustain Physical Therapy and Performance Mission

Our MISSION is to not only help you get to your goals, but to sustain the change. We believe time and health are your most valuable assets, and we are vitally aware of the moments we wish we had more. One of the harshest ways to spend your hours is to lose 50 lbs, and realize it was the same five pounds ten times! Or attempting to work through that nagging injury only to concede you’re further from your goal than when you started.

Our BELIEF is that the effort you dedicate to your health should serve as an investment, not a cost. We enable you to create this shift through audacious goal setting, cultivating community, and meeting you at your starting point.

The Sustain Fitness and Physical Therapy model is built on the pillars of both personal training and physical therapy to provide the highest caliber of physical, mental, and emotional longevity for our clients.


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